5 Most Common Myths About Electrical Safety

Electrical companies in India are very large in number today. When we look back at the time when there existed no wires or cables, forget manufacturers, we end up calling our lives a lot easier than those who still are far away from this world of technological advancements. It is the 21st century today, when everything is simple, digital and user-friendly. However, with the growing electrical industry, there are some major myths about electrical safety that do need an alert look, just like a farmer who when cultivates his crops, has a fair idea of the weed population growing around, too.
So, now that we know what we are going to talk about, let us list them out for a fair and better understanding:

Wood is a non-conductor

We’ve all had our lessons of chemistry before actually growing up but with our age, I think the knowledge has got a layer of rust on it. Wood, is a poor conductor of electricity. However, wet wood is considered to function good enough to prove if it is a conductor of electricity or not. Hence, before actually testing it out in that harsh manner, I think it is best to get your facts updated.

Power Lines Have Insulation On Them

which is a bigger myth because a popular report once statistically stated that approximately ninety percent of the power lines aren’t and in most of the cases, they include the ones which have lost their insulation in a storm or other natural disaster. So, this fact, then implies to another precautionary measure of never touching them with bare hands.

Live Wire Sparks When Falling

Another big myth to actually warn you on. There are times when it does spark, that too because it hasn’t made a firm contact. If it does, it won’t make a sound, forget the spark and it would get you in a fairly more dangerous situation than ever.

Rubber Shoes Are Insulators

Apparently told by all, but to counter, it is a myth. For only a pure rubber footwear guarantees that insulation. With any synthetic mixtures made, the chances are fairly less to actually prove the stated point. When time for a proper electrocution, you just cannot rely on the cheap material ones, for they would not be the perfect guarantee of your safety in that critical situation.

Household Currents Can’t Kill

It is most probably the biggest and the funniest myth to ever hear from anybody. But the sad part is, it has actually been in the market and also hyped a lot about. Household electricity has killed people earlier and still has the potential to actually do so. Hence, it shouldn’t be looked at something from which being cautious isn’t a matter of concern. It surely is and will always remain.

With the good busting of these myths, I am sure that it must have been informative for you to actually know them and be careful about them forever. Electricity surely is an invention, a boon for the world. But every innovation has its pros and cons, to which, looking after is really very important. It does not matter how much we learn, but what matters is, are we able to remember it? Are we able to apply it in our daily lives? If not, then we do need a more curious and close look at our own little mistakes made. In this day and age, when things are just meant to be simpler, it is on us, to actually take and use it in the right sense. Be it wires, cables or any electrical product, a sense of cautiousness is important for a happy and healthy survival.


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