Switches and sockets that don’t require attention

It is always useful to have an excellent electrician within reach but there are some emergencies when you need to rewire a regulator or fix a broken switch without delays. In these cases, you have to do a few repairs yourself, it’s always good to have a basic knowledge of simple electrical fixes. The switchboard components are one of the simplest fixes in your home. With a good understanding even a complete beginner can get started without any difficulties. Here’s how you can install the three switchboard components regulator, the socket, and switch, without the help of an electrician!
How to wire a plug socket
Wiring a plug socket is extremely simple and can be easily done by beginners.
Step 1: Loosen the screws of the connectors on the back of the plug.
Step 2: Strip the three cable wires (Red – Live wire, Black – Neutral wire, and Green – Earth wire).
 Step 3: After stripping the wires, you will find the copper tips of the three wires.
Step 4: Take the earth wire(green) and insert the copper tip in between the loosened screw of the connector.
Step 5: Take the live wire(red) and insert the copper tip in between the loosened screw of the connector. This is located on the bottom left of the plug.
Step 6: Take the neutral wire (black) and insert the copper tip in between the loosened screw of the connector. This is located on the bottom right of the plug.
Step 7: Once the three wires have been inserted, fasten the screws to ensure the copper tip meets the screw.
Step 8: Clip the plug onto the switchboard.

How to wire a regulator
It is a fairly simple task to wire a regulator because it only uses two wires: a neutral wire and a live wire from which the current flows. Regulators come preinstalled with a live wire and neutral wire. Depending on the brand, the wire cable can be black and red donating the neutral and live wire. Certain brands have both grey cables connected to a red end and a black end symbolizing the live and neutral wire. Here are the steps to wire a regulator:
Step 1: Ensure the connected wire cable from the regulator is stripped.
Step 2: If the cable is not stripped, take a plier and strip the cable to see the copper portion of the wire.
Step 3: Take the copper tips of the live wire (red) and the neutral wire (black) of the regulator and connect it to the copper tips of the live and neutral wires.
Step 4: Twist the connected copper ends of the wiring to ensure they are in contact and current flow is there.
Step 5: Secure the open copper ends of the wiring with insulating tape (to ensure safety).
Step 6: Clip the regulator onto the switchboard.

How to wire a switch:
The switch component comes with a socket secured with a screw where the live wire and the neutral wire are placed. Here are the steps to wire a switch:
Step 1: With the help of a plier or wire stripper, strip the cable wire to find the bare copper wiring of the live and neutral wire.
Step 2: Unscrew the ends of the switch components where the live and neutral wire are to be placed.
Step 3: Place the copper tip of the live wire into the socket for the live wire.
Step 4: Place the copper tip of the neutral wire into the socket for the neutral wire.
Step 5: Fasten the screws of the sockets where the live wire and the neutral wire are placed, ensure the metal part of the screw is in contact with the copper tip of the wire.
Step 6: Clip the switch back into place in the switchboard. With the help of these simple steps, you can easily fix any issue concerning wiring components of a switchboard.
So, next time if there is a switches and sockets that needs wiring, you won’t have to call your electrician. Ensure that quality and safety standards while buying switches and sockets.


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