5 facts you must know about LED lights

LED lights have a stronghold in the electrical industry. They’re more efficient than CFL lights traditional and incandescent in a lot of ways. You may have heard about, and even used an LED tube light or bulb before. However, LEDs come with an array of interesting and surprising facts you might have never heard about. Here are some of the many intriguing facts about LED lighting:
Ordinary light bulbs are illuminated by incandescence which means that the light is emitted as a result of heat whereas LEDs are lit by electroluminescence - light produced electrically, by the application of voltage.
Compact fluorescent bulbs when degrade create toxins because of mercury, LEDs are non-toxic and about 95% of an LED light bulb can be completely recyclable. Moreover, LEDs are shatter resistant as opposed to an incandescent bulb. This means in case of a mishap, you are less susceptible to the hazards of mercury, and you won’t need to follow Mercury decontamination procedures.
Long lifespan
On average, LED lights have a long lifespan and will last for around 50,000 Lumens (approximately). Buy a good quality LED light which will last for years at a stretch and save yourself money along with electricity.
Lights up instantly
Traditional bulbs take time to light up whereas, an LED bulb, lights up instantly. Where a halogen lamp or the incandescent bulb will take time to build up to full brightness, LEDs will glow at full brightness the moment they are switched on and there is no time lag.
Doesn’t attract pests
A traditional light source emits ample Infrared radiation and UV, which draws insects. This is the reason why you see insects flying around streetlights and porch. On the contrary, since LED lights don’t produce UV radiation or infrared, they don’t draw as many insects. With LEDs, you can stay radiation and pest-free.
Using LED lighting solutions from the best LED lighting manufacturers in India at home is the smartest move to make. The LED lighting manufacturers in India are growing exponentially over the years. It is recommended to buy LED from the best LED lighting manufacturers in India. It also possesses the potential to surprise you with its plethora of benefits and achieve greater heights.


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